Anxiety & Depression

Photo by Finn on Unsplash

Photo by Finn on Unsplash

You Get to Be In Control.

Anxiety and depression are at all time highs. Whether it’s work, family, environmental, political, or something you’ve just always dealt with, there is more for you than a yearly medication check-in. By combining traditional methods with mindfulness based stress reduction like meditation, talk therapy, and/or body work, you become an active participant in your own healing, and it is here that you can achieve lasting control over your emotions. We can help you navigate the many options to find the formula which works best for you.

Nov 2022 - A randomized, clinic trial has determined that Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction is “non-inferior” to treatment with escitalopram. Interestingly, 8% of medication participants dropped out due to adverse reactions and 0% dropped out of the MBSR wing of the study.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Transform Your Relationship to Anxiety and Depression.

Transformation means changing your relationship to events or circumstances. Through the use of language, perspective, and the use of traditional methods to change the habitual patterns of the stuck ideas, you can change your relationship to your anxiety and depression. By working with us, you'll gain techniques for self-care, diet and exercise, and meditation to help you when you need it most.

Photo by Finn on Unsplash

Photo by Finn on Unsplash

You’re NOT Alone

Reaching out for a Free Consultation is the first step in taking charge of your health and your life. Our methods are time-tested, safe, and all-natural. We will listen and help you to get to the root cause of your depression and anxiety and help you find all of the resources you need to stay on track for a fulfilling life.

Click the Button below to schedule your Free Consultation!