Feeling Chilly?

I have heard from a few folks out in the quarant-zone who are chilly. They have mild symptoms of (likely) Covid-19, but they’ve been instructed to quarantine vs go in for testing. They ask what to do while at home.

In TCM, the Middle Jiao (Middle Burner) is tasked with digestion to create the coal which fuels the inner furnace. If you’re cold, that system has broken down.

  1. Eat cooked foods. The Middle Burner is struggling to keep up with its basic task of keeping you warm, don’t overburden the system with making it heat and cook the food it has to transform. Start with cooked food. This makes the transformation process easier. Congee is about as easy to digest as you can get.

  2. Add ginger, cinnamon, or chili to your food.

  3. Eat soup. Chicken soup has proven benefits including being antiviral/antibacterial. My Grandmothers were right!

  4. Drink Tea. See post on Star Anise. Make some chai kids.

  5. Put a scarf around your neck. Yes, even indoors. It will keep you warmer. Similarly, wear socks and keep your arms covered.

  6. Stay in bed or take a blanket to the couch. This is not the time to be going out to a store for supplies. Use a delivery service or dig around in the back of the pantry. Rest is important.

It’s going to be okay. Queue up some binge-worthy shows that are gentle to your system (think National Geographic and not Jason Bourne).

If you have a fever above 100.4, have a cough, or other symptoms of Covid-19, please call your physician. Wash your hands for 20 seconds and use common sense. If you start to feel confused or you notice your loved ones can’t get up, call 9-1-1 for assistance.

chaiya sherman